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1.3 Elements and The Periodic Table

Learning Objectives

  1. To become familiar with the organization of the periodic table.
  2. To be able to define and/or distinguish groups, families, periods, main group elements and transition elements.
  3. To be able to identify alkali metals, alkaline metals, halogens and noble gases.
  4. To know the definition of an essential element.

Above, the elements are arranged in a periodic table, which is probably the single most important learning aid in chemistry. Do NOT memorize the periodic table as one will be provided for every examination. While reading this text you can always access the periodic table by clicking on the image to the right of the "Table of Contents" in the top navigation bar of every page of the e-text version of this textbook. The periodic table summarizes huge amounts of information about the elements in a way that permits you to predict many of their properties and chemical reactions. The elements are arranged in seven horizontal rows, in order of increasing atomic number from left to right and top to bottom. The rows are called periodsA row of elements in the periodic table., and they are numbered from 1 to 7. The elements are stacked in such a way that elements with similar chemical properties form vertical columns, called groupsA vertical column of elements in the periodic table. Elements with similar chemical properties reside in the same group., numbered from 1 to 18 (older periodic tables use a system based on roman numerals). Groups 1, 2, and 13 - 18 are the main group elementsAny element in groups 1, 2, and 13 - 18 in the periodic table. These groups contain metals, semimetals, and nonmetals., listed as A in older tables. Groups 3 - 12 are in the middle of the periodic table and are the transition elementsAny element in groups 3 - 12 in the periodic table. All of the transition elements are metals., listed as B in older tables. The two rows of 14 elements at the bottom of the periodic table are the lanthanides and the actinides, whose positions in the periodic table are indicated in group 3. Collectively, the lanthanides and actinides are referred to as inner transition metals.

Metals, Nonmetals, and Semimetals

The heavy orange zigzag line running diagonally from the upper left to the lower right through groups 13 - 16 in the periodic table divides the elements into metalsAny element to the left of the zigzag line in the periodic table that runs from boron to astatine. All metals except mercury are solids at room temperature and pressure. (in blue, below and to the left of the line) and nonmetalsAny element to the right of the zigzag line in the periodic table that runs from boron to astatine. Nonmetals may be solids, liquids, or gases at room temperature and pressure. (in bronze, above and to the right of the line). As you might expect, elements colored in gold that lie along the diagonal line exhibit properties intermediate between metals and nonmetals; they are called semimetalsAny element that lies adjacent to the zigzag line in the periodic table that runs from boron to astatine. Semimetals (also called metalloids) exhibit properties intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals..

The distinction between metals and nonmetals is one of the most fundamental in chemistry. Metals - such as copper or gold - are good conductors of electricity and heat; they can be pulled into wires because they are ductileThe ability to be pulled into wires. Metals are ductile, whereas nonmetals are usually brittle.; they can be hammered or pressed into thin sheets or foils because they are malleableThe ability to be hammered or pressed into thin sheets or foils. Metals are malleable, whereas nonmetals are usually brittle.; and most have a shiny appearance, so they are lustrousHaving a shiny appearance. Metals are lustrous, whereas nonmetals are not.. The vast majority of the known elements are metals. Of the metals, only mercury is a liquid at room temperature and pressure; all the rest are solids.

Nonmetals, in contrast, are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity and are not lustrous. Nonmetals can be gases (such as chlorine), liquids (such as bromine), or solids (such as iodine) at room temperature and pressure. Most solid nonmetals are brittle, so they break into small pieces when hit with a hammer or pulled into a wire. As expected, semimetals exhibit properties intermediate between metals and nonmetals.

Example 1.3-1

Based on its position in the periodic table, do you expect selenium to be a metal, a nonmetal, or a semimetal?

Given: element

Asked for: classification


Find selenium in the periodic table and then classify the element according to its location.


The atomic number of selenium is 34, which places it in period 4 and group 16. Selenium lies above and to the right of the diagonal line marking the boundary between metals and nonmetals, so it should be a nonmetal. Note, however, that because selenium is close to the metal-nonmetal dividing line, it would not be surprising if selenium were similar to a semimetal in some of its properties.


Based on its location in the periodic table, do you expect indium to be a nonmetal, a metal, or a semimetal? The symbol of indium is In.

Answer: metal

Descriptive Names

As we noted, the periodic table is arranged so that elements with similar chemical behaviors are in the same group. Chemists often make general statements about the properties of the elements in a group using descriptive names with historical origins. For example, the elements of group 1 are known as the alkali metalsAny element in group 1 of the periodic table., group 2 are the alkaline earth metalsAny element in group 2 of the periodic table., group 17 are the halogensDerived from the Greek for "salt forming," an element in group 17 of the periodic table., and group 18 are the noble gasesAny element in group 18 of the periodic table. All are unreactive monatomic gases at room temperature and pressure..

The Alkali Metals

The alkali metals are lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium. Hydrogen is unique in that it is generally placed in group 1, but it is not a metal.

The compounds of the alkali metals are common in nature and daily life. One example is table salt (sodium chloride); lithium compounds are used in greases, in batteries, and as drugs to treat patients who exhibit manic-depressive, or bipolar, behavior. Although lithium, rubidium, and cesium are relatively rare in nature, and francium is so unstable and highly radioactive that it exists in only trace amounts, sodium and potassium are the seventh and eighth most abundant elements in Earth's crust, respectively.

The Alkaline Earth Metals

The alkaline earth metals are beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. Beryllium, strontium, and barium are rather rare, and radium is unstable and highly radioactive. In contrast, calcium and magnesium are the fifth and sixth most abundant elements on Earth, respectively; they are found in huge deposits of limestone and other minerals.

The Halogens

The halogens are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. The name halogen is derived from the Greek for "salt forming," which reflects that all the halogens react readily with metals to form compounds, such as sodium chloride and calcium chloride (used in some areas as road salt).

Compounds that contain the fluoride ion are added to toothpaste and the water supply to prevent dental cavities. Fluorine is also found in Teflon coatings on kitchen utensils. Although chlorofluorocarbon propellants and refrigerants are believed to lead to the depletion of Earth's ozone layer and contain both fluorine and chlorine, the latter is responsible for the adverse effect on the ozone layer. Bromine and iodine are less abundant than chlorine, and astatine is so radioactive that it exists in only negligible amounts in nature.

The Noble Gases

The noble gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Because the noble gases are composed of only single atoms, they are monatomicA species containing a single atom.. At room temperature and pressure, they are unreactive gases. Because of their lack of reactivity, for many years they were called inert gases or rare gases. However, the first chemical compounds containing the noble gases were prepared in 1962. Although the noble gases are relatively minor constituents of the atmosphere, natural gas contains substantial amounts of helium. Because of its low reactivity, argon is often used as an unreactive (inert) atmosphere for welding and in light bulbs. The red light emitted by neon in a gas discharge tube is used in neon lights.

Note the Pattern

The noble gases are unreactive at room temperature and pressure.

Names and Symbols of the Elements

As mentioned earlier, students are not expected to memorize the periodic table; however, students are expected to know the names and symbols of the frequently encountered elements shown in figure 1.3(a) . Be sure to learn the correct spelling of the names of these elements. The names are listed in the page you can access by clicking on the periodic table in the navigation bar of every page in the e-version of this text.

Figure 1.3(a) Symbols to Memorize

In most cases, the symbols for the elements are derived directly from each element's name, such as C for carbon, U for uranium, Ca for calcium, and Po for polonium. Elements have also been named for their properties [such as radium (Ra) for its radioactivity], for the native country of the scientist(s) who discovered them [polonium (Po) for Poland], for eminent scientists [curium (Cm) for the Curies], for gods and goddesses [selenium (Se) for the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene], and for other poetic or historical reasons. Some of the symbols used for elements that have been known since antiquity are derived from historical names that are no longer in use; only the symbols remain to remind us of their origin. Examples are Fe for iron, from the Latin ferrum; Na for sodium, from the Latin natrium; and W for tungsten, from the German wolfram. Examples are in Table 1.3(1) "Element Symbols Based on Names No Longer in Use". As you work through this text, you will encounter the names and symbols of the elements repeatedly, and much as you become familiar with characters in a play or a film, their names and symbols will become familiar.

Table 1.3(1) Element Symbols Based on Names No Longer in Use

Element Symbol Derivation Meaning
antimony Sb stibium Latin for "mark"
copper Cu cuprum from Cyprium, Latin name for the island of Cyprus, the major source of copper ore in the Roman Empire
gold Au aurum Latin for "gold"
iron Fe ferrum Latin for "iron"
lead Pb plumbum Latin for "heavy"
mercury Hg hydrargyrum Latin for "liquid silver"
potassium K kalium from the Arabic al-qili, "alkali"
silver Ag argentum Latin for "silver"
sodium Na natrium Latin for "sodium"
tin Sn stannum Latin for "tin"
tungsten W wolfram German for "wolf stone" because it interfered with the smelting of tin and was thought to devour the tin

Essential Elements for Life

Of the 118 elements known, only the 19 highlighted in purple in Figure 1.3(b) "The Essential Elements in the Periodic Table" are absolutely required in the human diet. These elements-called essential elementsAny of the 19 elements that are absolutely required in the human diet for survival. An additional seven elements are thought to be essential for humans.-are restricted to the first four rows of the periodic table with only two or three exceptions (molybdenum, iodine, and possibly tin in the fifth row). Some other elements are essential for specific organisms. For example, boron is required for the growth of certain plants, bromine is widely distributed in marine organisms, and tungsten is necessary for some microorganisms.

Figure 1.3(b) The Essential Elements in the Periodic Table

Elements that are known to be essential for human life are shown in purple; elements that are suggested to be essential are shown in green. Elements not known to be essential are shown in gray.

What makes an element "essential"? An element is considered to be essential if a deficiency consistently causes abnormal development or functioning and if dietary supplementation of that element- and only that element -prevents this adverse effect. Scientists determine whether an element is essential by raising rats, chicks, and other animals on a synthetic diet that has been carefully analyzed and supplemented with acceptable levels of all elements except the element of interest (E). Ultraclean environments, in which plastic cages are used and dust from the air is carefully removed, minimize inadvertent contamination. If the animals grow normally on a diet that is as low as possible in E, then either E is not an essential element or the diet is not yet below the minimum required concentration. If the animals do not grow normally on a low-E diet, then their diets are supplemented with E until a level is reached at which the animals grow normally. This level is the minimum required intake of element E.

Classification of the Essential Elements

The approximate elemental composition of a healthy 70.0 kg (154 lb) adult human is listed in Table 1.3(2) "Approximate Elemental Composition of a Typical 70 kg Human". Note that most living matter consists primarily of the so-called bulk elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur-the building blocks of the compounds that constitute our organs and muscles. These five elements also constitute the bulk of our diet; tens of grams per day are required for humans. Six other elements-sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, and phosphorus-are often referred to as macrominerals because they provide essential ions in body fluids and form the major structural components of the body. In addition, phosphorus is a key constituent of both DNA and RNA: the genetic building blocks of living organisms. The six macrominerals are present in the body in somewhat smaller amounts than the bulk elements, so correspondingly lower levels are required in the diet. The remaining essential elements-called trace elements-are present in very small amounts, ranging from a few grams to a few milligrams in an adult human. Finally, measurable levels of some elements are found in humans but are not required for growth or good health. Examples are rubidium and strontium, whose chemistry is similar to that of the elements immediately above them in the periodic table (potassium and calcium, respectively, which are essential elements). Because the body's mechanisms for extracting potassium and calcium from foods are not 100% selective, small amounts of rubidium and strontium, which have no known biological function, are absorbed.

Table 1.3(2) Approximate Elemental Composition of a Typical 70 kg Human

Bulk Elements (kg) Macrominerals (g)
oxygen 44 calcium 1700
carbon 12.6 phosphorus 680
hydrogen 6.6 potassium 250
nitrogen 1.8 chlorine 115
sulfur 0.1 sodium 70
magnesium 42
Trace Elements (mg)
iron 5000 lead 35
silicon 3000 barium 21
zinc 1750 molybdenum 14
rubidium 360 boron 14
copper 280 arsenic ~3
strontium 280 cobalt ~3
bromine 140 chromium ~3
tin 140 nickel ~3
manganese 70 selenium ~2
iodine 70 lithium ~2
aluminum 35 vanadium ~2

The Trace Elements

Because it is difficult to detect low levels of some essential elements, the trace elements were relatively slow to be recognized as essential. Iron was the first. In the 17th century, anemia was proved to be caused by an iron deficiency and often was cured by supplementing the diet with extracts of rusty nails. It was not until the 19th century, however, that trace amounts of iodine were found to eliminate goiter (an enlarged thyroid gland). This is why common table salt is "iodized": a small amount of iodine is added. Copper was shown to be essential for humans in 1928, and manganese, zinc, and cobalt soon after that. Molybdenum was not known to be an essential element until 1953, and the need for chromium, selenium, vanadium, fluorine, and silicon was demonstrated only in the last 50 years. It seems likely that in the future other elements, possibly including tin, will be found to be essential at very low levels.

Many compounds of trace elements, such as arsenic, selenium, and chromium, are toxic and can even cause cancer, yet these elements are identified as essential elements in Figure 1.3(b) "The Essential Elements in the Periodic Table". How can elements toxic to life be essential? First, the toxicity of an element often depends on its chemical form - for example, only certain compounds of chromium are toxic, whereas others are used in mineral supplements. Second, as shown in Figure 1.3(c) "Possible Concentrations of an Essential Element in the Diet", every element has three possible levels of dietary intake: deficient, optimum, and toxic in order of increasing concentration in the diet. Very low intake levels lead to symptoms of deficiency. Over some range of higher intake levels, an organism is able to maintain its tissue concentrations of the element at a level that optimizes biological functions. Finally, at some higher intake level, the normal regulatory mechanisms are overloaded, causing toxic symptoms to appear. Each element has its own characteristic curve. Both the width of the plateau and the specific concentration corresponding to the center of the plateau region differ by as much as several orders of magnitude for different elements. In the adult human, for example, the recommended daily dietary intake is 10-18 mg of iron, 2-3 mg of copper, and less than 0.1 mg of chromium and selenium.

Figure 1.3(c) Possible Concentrations of an Essential Element in the Diet

The deficient, optimum, and toxic concentrations are different for different elements.


How can elements that are present in such minuscule amounts have such large effects on an organism's health? Our knowledge of the pathways by which each of the known trace elements affects health is far from complete, but certain general features are clear. The trace elements participate in an amplification mechanism; that is, they are essential components of larger biological molecules that are capable of interacting with or regulating the levels of relatively large amounts of other molecules. For example, vitamin B12 contains a single atom of cobalt, which is essential for its biological function. If the molecule whose level is controlled by the trace element can regulate the level of another molecule, and more and more molecules, then the potential exists for extreme amplification of small variations in the level of the trace element. One goal of modern chemical research is to elucidate in detail the roles of the essential elements. In subsequent chapters, we will introduce some results of this research to demonstrate the biological importance of many of the elements and their compounds.


The periodic table is an arrangement of the elements in order of increasing atomic number. Elements that exhibit similar chemistry appear in vertical columns called groups (numbered 1 - 18 from left to right); the seven horizontal rows are called periods. Some of the groups have widely used common names, including the alkali metals (group 1) and the alkaline earth metals (group 2) on the far left, and the halogens (group 17) and the noble gases (group 18) on the far right. The elements can be broadly divided into metals, nonmetals, and semimetals. Semimetals exhibit properties intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals. Metals are located on the left of the periodic table, and nonmetals are located on the upper right. They are separated by a diagonal band of semimetals. Metals are lustrous, good conductors of electricity, and readily shaped (they are ductile and malleable), whereas solid nonmetals are generally brittle and poor electrical conductors. Other important groupings of elements in the periodic table are the main group elements, the transition metals, the lanthanides, and the actinides.

About 19 of the approximately 115 known elements are essential for humans. An essential element is one whose absence results in abnormal biological function or development that is prevented by dietary supplementation with that element. Living organisms contain relatively large amounts of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur (these five elements are known as the bulk elements), along with sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, and phosphorus (these six elements are known as macrominerals). The other essential elements are the trace elements, which are present in very small quantities. Dietary intakes of elements range from deficient to optimum to toxic with increasing quantities; the optimum levels differ greatly for the essential elements.

Key Takeaway

  • The periodic table is used as a predictive tool.